Monday, August 2, 2010

Friendship Bouquet

SPRING is my favorite season of the year.
So, being transplanted from Maryland to Florida deprives me of the flowers that I love most -
daffodils, lilacs, tulips...
That's why I chose to visit my childhood friend, Linda, in MD in April.
Unfortunately, I had missed the lilacs.
To my surprise and delight, Linda went out and bought me this bouquet.
I call it the Friendship Bouquet because isn't that what friends do?
They recognize your needs and longings and do their best to fulfill them.
In good times and bad, my true friends have been there for me.

Today I Celebrate FRIENDSHIP.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love the friendship flowers. they are beautiful. I finally got you to show on my blogs follow list on the side bar. for some reason it would not do it but it is there now. when you visit blogs you like, look on the side bar and click follow button, then others will click yours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say how much i like the picture of you and your friend on the sidebar. that is a great photo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Celebrating friendship sounds good to me, and what a pretty bouquet! I like the picture of you and your friend, too. I was born in Washington, D.C. and we moved to Maryland when I was 12! Oops, I said I would sign up to follow you yesterday, then I got sidetracked. But I've done it now! Where the pictures of followers are on the sidebar, just click the little followers word to follow a blog, and a little box will come up asking you to confirm, it's so easy. Then people will often come back and follow your blog.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi, I'm Regina (Kilauea Poetry). That is just awesome- beautiful bouquet and background!
"they recognize your needs and longings and do their best to fulfill them" ..I think you summed up friendship real well here!
I haven't grown any lavender but there is a lavender farm in Maui.
Anyway..I enjoyed your visit..

Unknown said...

Great blog. Beautiful boquet Friendship is always something to celebrate, the longer enduring friendships are special.

Micki said...

Love the flowers. So beautiful!