Saturday, September 11, 2010


Sometimes it's fun
to return to the world of make believe.
As a child, I was a princess, a bride,
a movie star, a mommy,a teacher, and sometimes a cowboy.

On recent walkabouts
 I discovered some wonderful treasures
for the imagination.

Take a look with me.
What do YOU see?

While you're looking,
Please enjoy one of my favorite groups, EARTH, WIND, & FIRE
performing one of my favorite songs,

Dare to enter the Enchanted Forest

What secrets will you tell me?

Feed Me!

Where fairies hang their fans?

Today I Celebrate the world of Fantasy!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lost and Found

I'd been feeling lost.
I really didn't know
Which path to take,
Which door to choose...

Me before I went Natual 
[Taken by The MadSnapper]  

I prayed for guidance through it all.
And when the time was right
(that's God's time)
I was led to the perfect door.

The job that God had chosen for me was on the other side.

My new job is the one that I have been dreaming of:
One that is not based on the number of calls that I take
or the number of Cases that I close.
But one where I can give back
for the blessings I've received
and, hopefully, make a difference in someone's life.

Today I Celebrate Work that brings me Joy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cat Naps


Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives. - Stephen Baker


."Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a lot of ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia." - Joseph Wood Crutch


There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates


"Even overweight, cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses." - John Weitz

Nadia & Cali

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

Nadia & Cali

Most beds sleep up to six cats. Ten cats without the owner. - Stephen Baker


"You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense." - Jane Pauley

[Quotes are taken from]

I am still working on being able to get this Relaxed!

Today I Celebrate the True Art of Relaxation!