Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I had to take a break from blogging due to a back injury, but I'm back thanks to new meds and advice from my new doctor. 
During my hyatus, I kept trying to think of how to celebrate the situation. That was a tricky one.  However, I gained a greater empathy for those who live in constant pain.  I also got to read alot.   So, I guess there's a reason to Celebrate Everything!


Here are more of my "treasures".

Cup from my grandmother's wedding china and her green glass pitcher

Cup from my aunt Anna Margaret's wedding china

Rebecca at the Well

The biblical story of Rebecca at the Well comes from the book of Genesis.
It tells of Abraham's search for a wife for his son, Isaac.
In my family, the story begins with my great great grandmother,
Rebecca Ecker.
The tradition is that the pitcher be passed down to the daughter
who has Rebecca as part of her name
 to the eldest daughter.
It was, therefore, passed to my great grandmother,
Sophia Rebecca Ecker Null,
Who passed it to my grandmother,
Kathryn Rebecca Null Culler.
It  passed from my grandmother to my mother,
Helen Rebecca Culler Pease,
Who passed it to me, the eldest daughter,
Judith Lee Pease Prosseda.
It will, in time, be passed to my older daughter,
Amy Elizabeth Prosseda.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is beautiful, i love the story of the Rebbecca's, and that first photo is beautiful, i like green glass and really like that pitcher, also happy to hear you found something to celebrate in your pain.

RoeH said...

Glad you're up and around and on the mend. Hang in there.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Love the photos here. Such pretty vignettes.

The pitcher is beautiful and being from your grandmother certainly makes it all the more precious.