Monday, January 24, 2011


One day I found this old house hidden in the bushes.

I rescued it and set it by the front door as a decoration adding seasonal flowers at the base.


I noticed that "someone" had
taken up residence
in the old house!

Hello there!

Today I Celebrate
Found Treasures and Everyday Surprises!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the perfect resident.. he is so darn cute. glad you found a use for the old house instead of trashing it. recyced house and is pretty to look at and has a wonderful occupant to watch.

RoeH said...

Awwwwwww.....I love lizards. They are so cute. Left over dinosaurs. We get them all the time here and I don't even mind if they come into the house. And the cat LOVES when they do that. He's never caught one yet though. I won't let him.

ain't for city gals said...

I love lizards but absolutely can not celebrate your celebrate everything button..

Unknown said...

Great blog. When I read it I just knew something would take up residence in it. Very creative blog.
Thanks for sharing.